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Martin Developer

Application Development

Here you can find several examples of the projects and technologies I am working on.
There you can see a description of the technologies that apply to each project and a general description.
Everything including this portfolio is under continuous development, correction and improvement.
The change will be reflected day by day.

Currently in Development

feb 2023 - current

Front End Portfolio

This portfolio is in continuous development adding changes and functionalities, researching new technologies and methods.

Let's see the Code
feb 2023 - current

Project Framework MVC

Developing a MVC Framework fron scratch make me learn how its really work from inside

Let's see the Code
feb 2023 - current

Incomming Project Handbawm

Database about the Game with statistics and results

Let's see the Code


Man by the Lake


Exercise, Open Air, Nature bring new energy and clear ideas
We must to reach a balance with nature, technology and reason will be our tool.

Front End




Back end






Landing page
#HTML #CSS #JavaScript
#PHP #SQL #Responsive

Restaurant Website

Customisable website from the Admin Section

In the administration section you can customize your website to suit your needs. Images, descriptions, prices , menu and schredules. You have SQL injection proof security, encrypted username and password, recive comments and reservations. Using tecnologies like PHP and MySQL you have a database and a server working for you device. With a solid foundation in html and CSS.

Landing page
#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #Responsive

Landing Page

Landing Page designed for the promotion and sale of products fully designed in HTML, CSS and Javascript, designed for a simple interface of links, description and product display.

Fully Responsive and tested on mobile devices.

Landing page
#HTML #CSS #JavaScript
#PHP #SQL #Responsive


On this website you can create your own book catalog. With a login with username and password you can access the administration section and upload photos and descriptions of the books in your catalog, also modify and delete them. Based on PHP language and a MySql database, the data application runs on the server side.
Fully Responsive and tested on mobile devices.